Scumbag Casanova
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
DillowayOkay, so I think I've mentioned in here that I listen to a lot of noise music. And if not, I will mention it soon. I wrote something about it. But anywho, the band that got me into noise was Wolf Eyes. This was Wolf Eyes with the OG line-up of Nate, Olson and Dilloway. Now, Dilloway has since left and started a family. He's been replaced with Connelley from Hair Police, which has made Wolf Eyes sound even more evil, if that's possible, Dilloway still produces all their shit which might be why they go more evil as well, but Dilloway's solo stuff is just unbelievable. I downloaded something like over a year ago and since then, I've just been getting more because it's just some of the best music I've ever heard.

Olson, Connelley, and Nate with the baby Dilloway--the future of destruction.
Dilloway has become an icon to me and it was an honor that I got to see him perform last year and I got to meet him. Basically, his music sounds like how I feel these days. And as we all know that's a one-way track to my heart. However, I ran across his discription in and I thought to myself, that is the best description I've seen for an artist so far. I thought this because it is the most accurate description of an artist. Whoever wrote that was dead on about Dilloway, his fans and his music. So I'm going to post it. Maybe you'll pick up some of his stuff. Even if you hate noise, if you're in any way depressed like I am, I'm sure some of this will strike a chord.
AARON DILLOWAYtotal sickness, michigan basement depression, solitude, chills. empty beer cans and rancid bong water. dilloway is punk rock for humans hanging by a thread.
1:50 PM