Scumbag Casanova
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I Have a Radio Show Ya KnowSo in case no one knew I have my own radio show and have had one for like the past two years. It's every Tuesday from 10pm-12am or 7-9pm for the west coast kids. It's called Boozeday Tuesday and I have this really sleazy booty jams theme but really I just play loud music. You should listen. Listen, and worship.
In other news: This whole summer I've been listening to non-stop Envy. Envy is the heaviest yet most beautiful thing I can ever remember hearing. I know they used to be pretty straight ahead in their awesome Japanese hardcore ways from back in the day, but they are one of those bands that progressed as time went on and became this monstrous figure of sheer beauty and power. Everything they have kicks so much ass whilst simultaneously reminding me of how gorgeous life can be if I really stop for a second to see.
To listen to my show go to:
wvau.orgclick "listen to live" to hear us!
- Kristopher Fortin
11:08 PM
Scumbag Casanova
Friday, August 15, 2008
A Nation of Mistaken Gator HatersSo I know it's been a while since I blogged about anything other than stupid shit. Babes of the week, one sentence reviews, all of that seems like horseshit compared to other things going on that catch my attention and get me wondering why no one else is asking about these things. The main thing that caught my attention is the fact that Russia is in fact in a state of war, YES YOU HEARD THAT RIGHT. MOTHERFUCKING RUSSIA, the former Soviet Union is engaged in a state of war with the small nation and former province of Georgia. This is not to be mistaken for the fourth state in our Union, the one with all the smelly people who like rap and talk about their hippity hop, we are talking about the small country that is currently being decimated by Russian troops.
For what its worth, there aren't many claim to fames for Georgia. It's main one was that Stalin was from there and even he fucking hated this place. He hated it so much, he left, took over the Soviet Union and made Georgia part of Russia. During that time it was completely neglected causing it to plunge into poverty becoming one of the most poverty stricken areas in the entire Soviet Union. It has good wine apparently. And it's other claim to fame is that people often mistake it for Georgia the state, the one that gave us Outkast, Youngbloodz, and Ludacris, to name a few.
Well despite all of it's apparent lameness, it's always been a thorn in the side of Putin. As an avid campaigner against Putin, any country that pisses him off and causes him grief has some degree of coolness to it, even if it's fucking North Korea (which as we all know is totally homo). I also admire the fact that it's plunged among frozen fucking tundra with no real memorable landscape. It's kind of like a frozen desert, something that for some reason or another appeals to me.
Like I said, I know nothing of it's political structure or it's main goal. I do know that it's been an avid support of the U.S and Bush has returned the favor by visiting them and promising support if the time came when Russia would finally be pissed off enough to actually do something. I doubt Bush wants to leave another mess for McCain or Obama, so the likelihood of that happening doesn't seem very high, but still the fact that the U.S recognizes you and that endorses you has got to put some anger in those cold veins of Putin and his puppet government. In addition to all of this, Georgia has been pretty open about refusing to renew the lease on Russia's military base in the country. Russia wants the base renewed for another twenty years once the lease expires in '10. Georgia by now, knows what a Russian presence means in such a small country, especially when Putin is getting dangerously close to becoming overlord Vladamir. They have every right to kick the Ruskies out and do what they want with the base whether it's to construct Disneyland Georgia or make a miliray base for themselves. Russia has responded with military action that is obviously taking its toll on the country and the president who by now looks so disheveled, Ralph Nader is looking pretty snazzy by comparison.
Basically I see this as a glorified version of Russia not being let into a club and then throwing a hissy fit. What Russia isn't cool enough to be in Club Georgia? Do you know who we are? Do you know what we've done? Yes Russia. We know who you are and guess what YOU ARE FUCKING LAME. Boris was cool and despite the devestatingly low strides made integrating into the foreign market under his administration, you cannot deny that he was at least good for morale and a good tool for personal freedom. You couldn't have asked for a sweeter president. But Vladdy is looking to go for the juggular. By establishing a lifetime position as the head of government he has established himself as ghost dictator that exists as a specter now but as a much larger figure in the future. Give it time. It's only a matter of time before the office of president becomes the new position given to the janitor of the Kremlin.
I'm not saying Russia isn't sweet and that Russians aren't cool. I've never met a Russian that wasn't cool. But fuck this oligarchic dictatorship being set up and fuck the actions taken against Georgia. If you see the pictures of their president , they are gut wrenching. The man seriously looks like his dreams have been broken, like he hasn't slept in two weeks and as if all his heroes have died. It looks like he doesn't have a friend in the world. And you know what when people mistake the Georgia Nation for the state of the Gator Haters or just refuse to acknowledge that Russia is doing that, I start to wonder if he's right.
- Cristoph
9:46 PM
Scumbag Casanova
Saturday, August 09, 2008
sorry kids I've been busy at gay work fucking up a storm. anyways, I just downloaded whip enthusiasts seven inch from our faithful leader, Dom(cause good look getting that shit from anyone). Here is the review
Prurient - Whip Enthusiasts 7"NO FUCKING WAY.

- end of story.
6:27 PM